The Return to the Moon
The SMART Lunar Tire is the next evolution of the original Moon buggy tire
last seen during NASA’s Apollo mission back in 1972.
Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS)
With its $2.6 billion CLPS initiative, NASA has been competitively funding commercial companies to build spacecraft that autonomously land on the Moon, and carry with them the agency’s science and technology payloads to geologically diverse places. They are working with several American companies to deliver vehicles to the lunar surface to explore select regions and conduct experiments.
From small robotic rovers to heavy load lunar vehicles, The SMART Tire Company is building an array of customizable rover wheel/tire designs using its shape memory alloy technologies. With the future commercialization of the Moon not being too far away, STC is positioning itself to be the space tire company of choice for various payloads and lunar surface missions surrounding NASA’s Artemis and CLPS programs. Please contact us directly for more information and quotes.
50+ Years in the Making
NASA, the space tire company? In the 1960's, NASA began its own tire development for space exploration. You might recognize their first attempt, riding around on the Moon’s surface for the Apollo missions over 50 years ago, in the first Moon buggy.
The requirements were extreme. After all, the moon is a pretty harsh environment. But what has happened to that technology since? We've sent robotic rovers to Mars, probes to deep space, but no more manned missions. Until now. With the US and other countries planning manned missions back to the moon, and someday to Mars, we're going to need truly incredible tires to get the job done.
The SMART (Shape Memory Alloy Radial Technology) Tire Company was formed for the express purpose of commercializing a new category of airless tire invented for the future of space exploration. Starting with the extreme capabilities of this Mars-grade technology, we've developed new, patented tires designs for cycling, automotive, trucking and aerospace applications.
Using our knowledge base and expertise, The SMART Tire Company has created the ultimate lunar tire, capable of carrying multiple astronauts plus cargo across the south pole of the moon as part of NASA’s Artemis Program (manned return to the moon). We’ve already been contracted by some of the largest, private aerospace companies in the world, to aid in their efforts toward the exploration and commercialization of space (Moon & Mars).
We put the rove in rovers.™
S P A C E . T I R E S
Born from the mission requirements at NASA, these unique tires were originally invented to withstand continuous use on Mars. That means operating at extreme temperatures from down to -230C, remaining lightweight, staying energy efficient, and being strong and flexible enough to handle rough terrains without failure.

SMART Lunar Tire
The original Lunar Roving Vehicle contract was awarded in 1969 to Boeing, and the budget was over $302M (in 2022 USD). This kind of high tech, high budget, low volume work is a perfect revenue source for SMART Tire. NASA’s Artemis program has the Moon as its primary objective, and a budget of $35B. The SMART Tire Company has been contracted by top aerospace companies in pursuit of the LTV (Lunar Terrain Vehicle) project bid for Artemis V. See press release here.
The SMART Lunar Tire (proprietary technology) was built to take advantage of superelastic materials, using our own patented structural design to be the first ever "space tire" suited for heavy vehicles on the Moon and Mars. The tire weighs less than XX pounds and is strong enough to carry manned vehicles and cargo at extreme extraterrestrial temperatures.
Superelastic Tire
The Superelastic TIre was invented at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The tire was originally developed for future missions to Mars, but can work as a viable alternative to pneumatic tires (everyday rubber tires filled with air) here on Earth. This shape memory alloy (SMA) technology represents the latest evolution of the Spring Tire which was co-invented by SMART Tire Company’s chief engineer, Jim Benzing, during a collaboration between NASA and Goodyear.
The novel use of SMA capable of undergoing high strain as load bearing components, results in a tire that can withstand excessive temperatures, deformation without permanent damage, and remain at optimal performance capabilities. This NASA technology, which is fully licensed by STC, opens up additional public/private opportunities for STC to develop tires for future rover missions to Mars.

The SMART Tire Company:
NASCAR driver, Bubba Wallace (R), and Dynetics Senior VP/Aerospace, Defense & Civil Operations, Jonathan Pettus (L), in the Leidos/NASCAR lunar rover at Talladega. This rover first debuted at the 2023 Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, CO. The tires/wheels are made from shape memory alloys and were designed, developed and built, by The SMART Tire Company in Akron, OH. (photo credit: Getty Images)